Truck Accidents

Truck Accidents
Truck accident is a complicated issue to be dealt in comparison with the car accident that generally involves two parties. The number of parties involved is generally more than two in case of truck accident. The drivers, the owners of the truck, the truck manufacturing company, the brake maker, etc are all involved in case of truck accident.
Commercial vehicles are heavily regulated by both federal and state governments and determining fault in a truck accident requires the parties to not only be aware of all the applicable regulations, but the ability to effectively determine if any were not followed.
Many rules and states have differing statutes of limitations that only an expert attorney can deal with. It is very important to choose a lawyer who knows in and out of truck law.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, one of the leading causes of truck accidents is driver fatigue, coupled with alcohol and/or drug use.
Some states, like California, require truckers to drive more slowly than other traffic. However, how can you determine if the trucker was speeding or fatigued? An experienced attorney will know who to question, how evidence needs to be immediately preserved and gathered, and have access to experts who can piece together what happened and why.
If you would like to have your case reviewed by an experienced truck accident lawyer, simply fill out our form and an attorney will contact you. No cost, no obligation involved."